Thursday, 30 April 2009

Jokes about school

What tables don't you have to learn ?
Dinner tables !

Why was the headmaster worried ?
Because there were too many rulers in school !

When a teacher closes his eyes, why should it remind him of an empty classroom ?
Because there are no pupils to see !

Teacher : Tommy, put some more water in the fish tank !
Pupil : Why, Miss, I only put some in yesterday and he hasn't drunk that yet !

Teacher : Were you copying his sums ?
Pupil : No Sir, just seeing if he got mine right

Teacher : What are you reading ?
Pupil : I dunno !
Teacher : But you're reading aloud !
Pupil : But I'm not listening !

Teacher : What's happens to gold when it is exposed to the air ?
Pupil : It's stolen !

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